

View the Project on GitHub OZI-Project/OZIproject.dev


OZI — Python Project Packaging for Meson

A set of free (and open source) tools to make Python package publishing easier.

This project is under active development but unstable.

OZI is expected to be in Alpha release status by mid-April 2024.

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Funding Members

Meson is a registered trademark of Jussi Pakkanen. The OZI project is not affiliated with or endorsed by the Meson development team or Jussi Pakkanen.

The GitHub® Octocat® logo and other trademarks are used under the terms of a license, the OZI Project is not affiliated with or endorsed by GitHub, Inc. The Patreon “P” logo and other trademarks are used under the terms of a license, the OZI Project is not endorsed by Patreon, Inc. The Python logo, Python Package Index logo, and other trademarks are used under the terms of a license, the OZI Project is not affiliated with or endorsed by the Python Software Foundation. Read the Docs logos and other trademarks are used under the terms of the CC-BY 4.0 license. The sigstore codesigned seal and other trademarks are used under the terms of a license, the OZI Project is not affilated with or endorsed by The Linux Foundation.